Hosting Karachi

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Your own direct line to tailored support.

VPS Hosting

Boundless technologies offers virtually facilitating arrangements for your website through our virtual private servers.


What is Cloud VPS?

Boundless technologies offers virtually facilitating arrangements for your website through our virtual private servers. These are appropriately customized options offered to the clients. We give full access to your server in order to keep your VPS server alive for all clients using different applications. We offer higher data transfers y and up-time and sound reaction timings. We provide you unmatched administrative options from which you can benefit the most.

Choose Your Cloud VPS

VPS Plan 1

Starting Only!

Rs 7500 /month

VPS Plan 2

Starting Only!

Rs 11500 /month

VPS Plan 3

Starting Only!

Rs 15000 /month

Cloud VPS Hosting Features

Intrinsicly actualize out-of-the-box niche markets for backward-compatible web services.

DDoS Protection

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SSD Based Server

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Full Control

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Live Support

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We are here to Help you with

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We Host Worldwide

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Texas Raised

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24/7/365 Support

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 CentOS Linux with Full Root Access (64-bit with 32-bit Compatibility)
 Optional cPanel with WHM Control Panel
 Apache Web Server
 Supports: MySQL, PHP, Perl, Python (Django), Ruby (on Rails), FFMpeg
 Secured VPS with free IPTables Firewall
 Manage your VPS with Virtuozzo Power Panel
 Ability to install and customize applications
 Seamless kernel upgrades utilizing KSplice Uptrack

 Dell PowerEdge Servers
 Fully Customized Hardware Specs
 Dual Nehalem CPUs (16 Hyperthreaded cores)
 Fault Tolerant RAID-10 Disk Array with Enterprise Drives

 Fully Managed VPS Hosting (with cPanel/Plesk)
 Weekly automated off site backups
 24/7/365 Top notch support via Ticket System (E-mail)
 24/7/365 server monitoring

 Free SiteBuilder and SiteStudio Website Building Tools
 4,500 Free Website Templates
 Free Website Transfer, Domain Transfer, MySQL Transfer, Script Transfer
 52 Free scripts can be instantly installed on your account with a few clicks

 Gigabit uplink with a guaranteed 20mbit connection
 Fully redundant network with no single point of failure
 Multiple layers of network security
 Multiple bandwidth providers (AboveNet, ATT, Comcast,
 Global Crossing, Level(3), NTT)
 State of the art Data Center with backup power generators and HVAC u

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